The first batch of pedals were delivered to customers during the start of July. This is a new product using a new supplier and also a new courier. Production samples were carefully reviewed and tested and from the main production batches several pedals were opened and spot checked and we were happy with the quality.
If you are unhappy with the quality of the pedal or you have a hardware issue or a courier issue please don’t worry, get in touch and we will of course make sure everything gets resolved to your satisfaction.
Thank you to everyone for supporting this new product and making it happen.
Please feedback any issues to with pedal in the email subject.
Physical Issues / Sensitivity of foot press
The pedal was designed so users could change the sensitivity of the pedal if they wanted. Inside the top shell if you remove the 4 allen screws, there is a white plastic block. It has 3 M4 washers behind each of the 2 screws. If you want the pedal to be more sensitive then you can add an extra M4 washer to each side, if you want it to be less sensitive then you can remove one. We have had a handful of customers who said that they felt the pedal was not as sensitive on the left hand side. In this case you can just add an M4 washer to the left side of the white block and that seems to equal the sensitivity up. I will add some photos of this process next week. We are feeding back to the factory that the QA process needs to vigorously test the left, middle and right of the pedal to make sure the sensitivity is even across the pedal. Please contact us if you have any concerns or problems.
The pedal works out the box as a keyboard “c”. There is a software tool to change the default action.
There are 4 pieces of software:
1) Sinden Pedal Tool – Windows
This is available here:
This windows tool allows you to change what action your pedal does when stepped on. You can also change the pedal unique ID which is useful if you are using 2 pedals on a system.
Update 14/07/22, the pedal wasn’t saving the key press change to memory so it was reseting to “c” after being unplugged. This is now resolved in v1.02+ above. The same change has been made to the software below also.
Update 21/08/22, if the pedal got it’s keyboard char or uniqueid set to an unsupported value, the software would not allow you to change it back. Fixed in v1.03+.
2) Sinden Lightgun Windows Software – With Pedal Support (first beta)
This is an updated version of the Sinden Windows software that allows you to integrate with the pedal. It allows the pedal action to be actioned as coming from the lightgun. This is useful for emulators/games that can only see one input device and couldn’t see the pedal and lightgun individually. It also contains all the functionality of the pedal tool above.
Main usage is selecting the action the pedal does when connected to the lightgun in the button assignments tab. Ticking pedal enabled on the pedal tab. Then when you start the lightgun the pedal should now provide the action you selected as if it was sent from the lightgun (instead of the keyboard action). If you have 2 pedals you can also select a pedal ID on the pedal tab so you connect the correct pedal to the correct lightgun. The lightgun does require a firmware update to v1.8 to support pedal functionality.
3) Sinden Lightgun Linux Software
Currently the Linux Lightgun software may confuse a pedal with a lightgun, so this update of the Linux software will ignore pedals when looking for lightguns:
Please follow the readme file inside the download. We are still progressing the Linux software, and when the beta passes will focus on making an easier to install updated version for beginners (will be just like uploading a ROM). This is how to enable pedal support in Time Crisis PSX (remember to update the Sinden software above first).
To get the pedal working in Time Crisis on the Raspberry Pi 4:
Update Sinden Linux software as described above
Update pcsx-rearmed to the latest binary version in the retropie setup.
Update pcsx-rearmed config with these values:
Player 1
input_libretro_device_p1 = “260”
input_player1_joypad_index = “0”
input_player1_gun_aux_a_mbtn = “2”
input_player1_gun_aux_b_mbtn = “3”
input_player1_gun_aux_b = “num1”
input_player1_gun_trigger_mbtn = “1”
input_player1_gun_aux_a = “c”
Player 2
input_libretro_device_p2 = “260”
input_player2_joypad_index = “1”
input_player2_gun_aux_a_mbtn = “2”
input_player2_gun_aux_b_mbtn = “3”
input_player2_gun_trigger_mbtn = “1”
input_player2_gun_aux_b = “num2”
There is a copy of this psx config in the Sinden Lightgun software download in the pedal folder.
4) Sinden Pedal Tool – Linux
This software will allow you to change the pedal default action and ID inside Linux. This will be published by the end of August.
Additionally I will be publishing the pedal serial interface so other software can integrate with it as required.